Parents and Families
All the Right Stuff to Help Your Child Excel.
Homework Help
Tutor.com helps students learn their way by providing several different tools that incorporate visual, auditory, verbal and hands-on learning. Tutor has more than 3,000 tutors available to assist in over 60 different subjects and test prep areas. Tutor covers grades K through college and also offers tutoring and cover letter and resume review for adults.
Practice, practice, practice
The School Center in Learning Express has resources to help school-aged kids prepare for tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects.
Research just about anything
Research is more than just Google; use World Book and Explora to search for credible, legitimate quality-controlled sources. Explora leads students to articles written at their reading level. Get encyclopedic overviews with interactive maps, videos, and images on World Book.
Get ready for college
Save money on those pricey SAT practice books and workshops; the College Preparation Center at Learning Express has you covered. Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and eBooks to help you ace the PSATs, SATs, ACTs, AP exams and more.
Walk in someone else’s shoes
See all sides of an issue with Points of View Reference Center, a guide to debating, developing arguments, writing position papers, and developing critical thinking skills. Understand the full scope of controversial issues with this awesome educational resource.